Stalking Investigator Utica NY

Stalking is not something that just happens to Hollywood stars and athletes. According to the National Stalking Resource Center roughly 1 in 12 women and 1 in 45 men will be stalked in their lifetime.

station0004Stalking is one of those crimes for which a victim needs to build their own case before law enforcement will get involved. Even then cases are sometimes difficult to prove. In some jurisdictions, these cases end up with a victim facing serious physical harm before they are taken seriously.

Stalking Investigator Utica

Laws have come a ways since the early 90s when many states were just beginning to enact legislation. Technology has often kept one step ahead of the laws though leaving victims still vulnerable. While almost all states have a provision in the law that covers cyber stalking, the laws are new and few cases involving use of social networking sites have been prosecuted.

According to the National Violence Against Women Prevention Resource Center, stalking is defined as a repetitive pattern of unwanted, harassing or threatening behavior committed by one person against another. Acts include: telephone harassment, being followed, receiving unwanted gifts, and other similar forms of intrusive behavior. All states and the federal government have passed anti-stalking legislation.

If this is happening to you or someone you know, Investigators at Mission Possible Investigations can be a resource to help gather the necessary evidence to take to law enforcement and begin the legal process.

Stalking Detective Utica

Here are some ways Mission Possible Investigations investigators can help:

  •     Identify the early warning signs of stalking
  •     Help you issue a no contact order
  •    Create a safety plan
  •     Document the stalkers activities and collect evidence – Often it is up to the victim to start the evidence collection to generate a police report and legal case.
  •     Identify potential vulnerabilities in your surroundings and help identify where your personal information can be found that the stalker may have access to as well.
  •     Assess your technology use and create strategies for minimizing personal data online
  •     Conduct a background investigations to see prior behavior and possible criminal history

 Contact us for more information.

Call today for a free confidential consultation with a licensed Private Investigator at 518-708-1219 or email us at [email protected]